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Recherchen zu Horace Greeley und der New York Tribune

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7 Aug 2008
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Karl Marx schrieb für die New York Tribune des Horace Greeley.

Deren Mitarbeiter Albert Brisbane und Charles Dana waren am 13. September auf der Rheinwiesenkundgebung von Marx, Engels und Lasalle anwesend.

Horace Greeley, 3.2.1811 - 29.11.1872.

Die Eltern arme Farmer, mit 14 Jahren die Schule verlassen, Lehrling als Drucker beim "The Northern Star"!

Dort lernt Greeley mit George Jones einen weiteren Lehrling kennen, der in seinem Alter ist und mit dem er später zu tun hat.

Leicht andere Darstellung:

Horace Greeley was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, in 1811. He came to Poultney to apprentice himself at the Northern Spectator newspaper in East Poultney from 1826 to 1830. The paper was published in a print shop built on the green in 1823. This building, commonly known as the Horace Greeley House, now houses Picket Fence Antiques.

Though Greeley worked in this house, he never lived there. During his time in Poultney he boarded first at the home of the paper’s editor E.G. Stone and later at the Eagle Tavern, owned by Harlow Hosford. He was well regarded for his intelligence, his factual knowledge of current events and his debating skills. He quite probably wrote the obituary for former Poultney resident Jeffrey Brace in 1827.

Greeley left Poultney at the age of 19 for New York City, where he became editor of several publications and in 1841 founded the New York Tribune.
Quelle: http://www.poultneyhistoricalsociety.org/about/the-two-editors/

In 1834 he founded the weekly the New Yorker, which was mostly comprised of clippings from other magazines.

In 1836 Greeley married Mary Cheney Greeley; they spent little time together; Out of their seven children, only two lived.
Quelle: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Horace_Greeley

Von seiner Frau kann er das Geld für die Zeitungen nicht bekommen haben.

Wer hat den Greeley finanziert und warum ihn?

Whig: New York Tribune

In 1838 leading Whig politicians selected him to edit a major national campaign newspaper, the Jeffersonian, which reached 15,000 circulation. Whig leader William Seward found him, "rather unmindful of social usages, yet singularly clear, original, and decided, in his political views and theories" In 1840 he edited a major campaign newspaper, the Log Cabin which reached 90,000 subscribers nationwide, and helped elect William Henry Harrison president on the Whig ticket. In 1841 he merged his papers into the New York Tribune. It soon was a success as the leading Whig paper in the metropolis; its weekly edition reached tens of thousands of subscribers across the country. Greeley was editor of the Tribune for the rest of his life, using it as a platform for advocacy of all his causes.
Republican: New York Tribune

November 16, 1864 issue of the New York TribuneWhen the new Republican Party was founded in 1854, Greeley suggested the name (as an echo of the Jeffersonian Republicans) and made the Tribune its unofficial national organ. He fought slavery extension and the slave power on every page. On the eve of the Civil War circulation nationwide approached 300,000.
Quelle: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Horace_Greeley

Die offiziellen Erklärungen kann man in der Pfeife rauchen. Danach wären seine Zeitungen halt so gut und so innovativ gewesen und so weiter blablabla...

7 Aug 2008
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George Jones, geb. 1811, Vater betreibt eine woolen mill, mit 13 ist George Waise und macht ebenfalls eine Lehre:

George Jones was orphaned at the age of 13. He returned to Poultney to live with his brother John Jones, Jr. He supported himself though work in the general store of Amos Bliss, who also owned the Northern Spectator, and became friends with a fellow employee, Horace Greeley.

The 15-year-old friends were together on the East Poultney Green for festivities celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1826.

Jones left Poultney in 1833 and over the next 18 years acquired experience in banking, book publishing and the newspaper businesses. He also formed a close friendship with Henry Raymond, whom he met while both were employees at Greeley’s Tribune. The two founded the New York Times in 1851. Jones concentrated on the financial and business aspects of the paper while Raymond served as editor. Together they made the Times a very successful paper.

In 1869, upon the death of Henry Raymond, George Jones became the editor of the Times. In this role Jones was to lay the ground work for the journalistic integrity of the newspaper.
Quelle: http://www.poultneyhistoricalsociety.org/about/the-two-editors/

Der gründet mal eben so die New York Times. :kopfkratz:

Als deren Herausgeber legt er die Grundlagen für die journalistische Integrität der Zeitung. :irre:


Klassisches Amerika eben, vom Tellerwäscher und NYTimes-Gründer. :giggle:
7 Aug 2008
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Die Drucker in den frühen Jahren der USA müssen doch wirklich gut bezahlt worden sein, wenn sich Greeley das Kapital für seine erste eigene Zeitung in drei Jahren zusammengespart hat: :confused:

After serving as a printer's apprentice to Amos Bliss, editor of the Northern Spectator, a newspaper in East Poultney, Vermont, and working as a printer on the Erie Gazette in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1831 he went to New York City to seek his fortune as an editor. Three years later, having worked as a printer for the Evening Post and several other newspapers, he had accumulated enough capital to launch a weekly literary and news journal, the New Yorker, and, in 1840, a Whig campaign weekly, the Log Cabin.
Quelle: http://www25.uua.org/uuhs/duub/articles/horacegreeley.html

Das ist natürlich alles Quatsch. Die Zeitungen wurden damals eigens im Zusammenhang mit den Wahlkampagnen für die jeweiligen Parteien gegründet.

Aber warum haben die den Greeley genommen?

Nach einem Jahrzehnt als Parteizeitung der Liberalen erscheint das Blatt des Greeley plötzlich von 8 Seiten auf 12 Seiten erweitert mit internationalen Korrespondenten. Einer davon heißt Karl Marx. Verantwortlich war für das Teil Charles Dana.

On Saturday morning, October 25, 1851, Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune, entrenched after a decade of existence as America’s leading Whig daily, appeared with twelve pages rather than its usual eight. The occasion was too noteworthy to be passed over without comment by the paper itself. So a special editorial was written—probably by Greeley’s young managing editor, the brisk, golden-whiskered Charles A. Dana—to point it out.

Besides a “press of advertisements.” the editorial ran, this morning’s enlarged paper contained “articles from some foreign contributors that are especially worthy of attention.” Among these were “a letter from Madame Belgioioso, upon the daily and domestic life of the Turks, and another upon Germany by one of the clearest and most vigorous writers that country has produced—no matter what may be the judgment of the critical upon his public opinions in the sphere of political and social philosophy.”

Turning the pages to see who this most clear and vigorous German might be, readers glanced past such items as a “Grand Temperance Rally in the igth Ward“; a Philadelphia story headlined “Cruelty of a Landlord—Brutality of a Husband”: a Boston campaign telegram announcing a Whig demonstration “in favor of Daniel Webster for President.” Then they reached a long article entitled “Revolution and Counter-Revolution,” over the by-line, Karl Marx.
Quelle: http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1957/3/1957_3_20.shtml


Ziemlich interessant auch die Wirtschaftskrise von damals und damit die Aktualität vom Sozialismus:

Greeley, satisfied with existing conditions, was praising the goodness of everything and everyone.1 Only occasionally was his attention diverted to the theme of politics. He found little fault with the social and economic structure of the country, and all classes received substantial support in his paper. Even the principle of speculation was upheld as safe and sound.2

Then came the Panic of 1837
. Banks suspended specie payments, industry slowed down, and the country found itself in the throes of a great business depression. It would seem that something was wrong with the economic and social structure of the country. The discouraging situation sorely needed constructive criticism and Greeley was prepared to give it. His oft-repeated epigram, "Go West, young man, go forth into the Country," dates from the beginning months of the year 1837.

On April 27, 1837, Greeley warned his friends in the West that they might expect to be overwhelmed with newcomers. The pecuniary troubles, high rents, dear living, and the reduced demand for labor would drive many to emigration who had never dreamed of it. He advised "every laborer, of whatever trade, to take up the march for the new country. . . . If he go prepared to throw off his coat, fare rudely, work heartily, sleep soundly, and rise reasonably, he will likely thrive there. . . . Ahem!"3 At least twenty thousand mechanics and thirty thousand seamstresses, he declared, were unemployed in New York City alone, and ought to be in the West. These laborers had a winter in prospect of fearful, unexampled severity. "Do not wait to share and increase its horrors. Fly -- scatter through the country -- go to the Great West -- anything rather than remain here. . . . Away then, hardy adventurers, to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin . . . the West is the true destination."4 He preached emigration not as a cure for the distresses of the time, but as an alleviation of their most malignant consequences.

As might be expected, few people heeded Greeley's advice. His prediction of a terrible winter was fulfilled. There was untold misery among the unemployed. "As the cold months wore slowly on, the sufferings of the poor became so aggravated, and the number of unemployed increased to such a degree, that the ordinary means were inadequate to relieve even those who were destitute. . . . Some died of starvation. Some were frozen to death. . . . There had never been such suffering in New York before."5 That winter Greeley lived in the sixth ward, "then eminent for filth, squalor, rags, dissipation, want and misery."6 He was too poor to give money for the relief of the suffering, but he served on one of the visiting committees appointed to canvass his ward. "I thus saw extreme destitution more closely than I had ever before observed it," he declared. Worst of all was the pitiful plea of stout, resolute, single young men and women who answered: "We do not want alms; we are not beggars; we hate to sit here day by day idle and useless; help us to work, we want no other help: why is it that we have nothing to do?"

7 Aug 2008
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Klassisches Amerika eben, vom Tellerwäscher und NYTimes-Gründer. :giggle:

Vor allem, wenn sich die Tellerwäscher vorher noch alle in irgendeinem Kaff begegnet sind und Freundschaft geschlossen haben.

Alles Zufall natürlich. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit nachrechnen darf man da freilich nicht. :winken:


Wenn es dich interessiert etwas von Greeley zu lesen: Recollections of a busy life: including reminiscences of American politics and politicians, from the opening of the Missouri contest to the downfall of slavery; to which are added miscellanies ... also, a discussion with Robert Dale Owen of the law of divorce

Das gibt es online.
7 Aug 2008
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Ziemlich interessant auch die Wirtschaftskrise von damals und damit die Aktualität vom Sozialismus:

Hm, ja, die Wirtschaftskrise von 1837.

1837 wurde Belmont nach Havanna geschickt, um die dortige Rothschild-Filiale zu leiten. Er reiste über New York City, wo kurz vor seiner Ankunft eine schwere Wirtschaftskrise ausbrach. Belmont beschloss, in New York zu bleiben, und gründete sein eigenes Unternehmen, die August Belmont & Company. Er übernahm zu günstigen Konditionen zahlreiche in Konkurs gegangene Unternehmen und auch die dortige Rothschild-Niederlassung.
Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Belmont

Das wäre natürlich ein Ding.


Die NYTribune ist offenbar aus einer Propagandazeitung der Whigs entstanden Jeffersonian oder so ...

Panic of 1837:

Es scheint auf jeden Fall eine total inszenierte Krise gewesen zu sein, eine "Finanzkrise" eben. Interessant ist auch gerade die Rolle der Whigs in England und Amerika zu dieser Zeit.

Und wie viel von dieser Whig-Propaganda noch heute übrig ist :traurig:

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]The nature of "Whig history"[/COLOR]

The characteristics of Whig history as defined by Butterfield include:

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"] * Interpreting history as a story of progress toward the present, and specifically toward the British constitutional settlement;[/COLOR]

* Viewing the British parliamentary, constitutional monarchy as the apex of human political development;

* Assuming that the constitutional monarchy was in fact an ideal held throughout all ages of the past, despite the observed facts of British history and the several power struggles between monarchs and parliaments;

* Assuming that political figures in the past held current political beliefs (anachronism);

* Assuming that British history was a march of progress whose inevitable outcome was the constitutional monarchy; and

* Presenting political figures of the past as heroes, who advanced the cause of this political progress, or villains, who sought to hinder its inevitable triumph.

Butterfield argued that this approach to history compromised the work of the historian in several ways:

* The emphasis on the inevitability of progress leads to the mistaken belief that the progressive sequence of events becomes "a line of causation," tempting the historian to go no further to investigate the causes of historical change.

* The focus on the present as the goal of historical change leads the historian to abridge history, selecting only those events that have some bearing on the present.

Roger Scruton, in his A Dictionary of Political Thought (1982), takes the theory to be centrally concerned with progress and reaction, with the progressives shown as victors and benefactors. Cannadine[5] wrote of the English tradition that:

It was fiercely partisan and righteously judgemental, dividing the personnel of the past into the good and the bad. And it did so on the basis of the marked preference for liberal and progressive causes, rather than conservative and reactionary ones. [...] Whig history was, in short, an extremely biassed view of the past: eager to hand out moral judgements, and distorted by teleology, anachronism and present-mindedness.

Butterfield's antidote to Whig history was "to evoke a certain sensibility towards the past, the sensibility which studies the past 'for the sake of the past', which delights in the concrete and the complex, which 'goes out to meet the past', which searches for 'unlikenesses between past and present'".[

Jetzt verstehe ich, warum mir dieser Fortschrittsglaube noch nie getaugt hat. :rolleyes2: Und das alles passt natürlich wieder wunderbar zum Darwinismus, Sozialdarwinismus, Freie Märkte und ähnlichen Mist!

Und natürlich wurde die Whig-Party einige Zeit vor dem Crash in NY gegründet:

Whig Party (United States), an American political party which operated from [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]1834-1856[/COLOR]

In den 1960ern ist sie auch in England verschwunden.
7 Aug 2008
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Then came the Panic of 1837. Banks suspended specie payments, industry slowed down, and the country found itself in the throes of a great business depression.

Die Krise hatte monetäre Ursachen:

Purported causes include the economic policies of President Andrew Jackson who created the Specie Circular by executive order and also refused to renew the charter of Second Bank of the United States, resulting in the withdrawal of government funds from that bank. Martin Van Buren, who became president in March 1837, five weeks before the Panic engulfed the young republic's economy, was blamed for the Panic. His refusal to involve the Government in the economy was said by some to have contributed to the damages and duration of the Panic. Of course, the initial Government intervention in the market had inadvertently been part of the cause of the problem, and further intervention might or might not have been useful. Jacksonian Democrats blamed bank irresponsibility, both in funding rampant speculation and by introducing paper money inflation. This was caused by banks issuing excessive paper money (unbacked by bullion reserves), leading to inflation.
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panic_of_1837

Und üblicherweise pflegen Zeitungen bei geldpolitisch verursachten Wirtschaftskrisen mitzuspielen.

Die "Go West"-Kampagne unseres Horace Greeley müsste also gerade zur rechten Zeit auch dem Zweck gedient haben, von den monetären Hintergründen abzulenken.

Ansonsten nützt natürlich ein "Go West" nichts gegen eine deflationäre Depression, weil die auch die Farmer an der Westküste ruiniert.


Uns sind die Zahlen auf den Blättern ausgegangen, Leute, die Zahlen sind futsch, geht nach Westen oder wir müssen alle verhungern! :giggle:
7 Aug 2008
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Nach diesem Artikel hier dürfte aber gerade das "Go West" die Ursache der Spekulationsblase gewesen sein. Der Präsident hätte dann mit der Anordnung, dass Land nur noch in Gold und Silber bezahlt werden darf, die Deflation und den Run aus dem Papiergeld in Gold ausgelöst.

The government was out of debt, and had no use for its surplus, which was forming the basis of those large speculative loans, and men became even more excited and reckless than were the land operators here in Chicago at the time of the recent panic. Besides, money was taken from every branch of business to invest in these western speculations.

The President of the United States had no power to stop the sales of lands or to limit bank discounts. He saw the immediate necessity of arresting this condition of things, and he had no other way to do it than to issue an order that nothing but gold and silver should be received for the public lands. According to an invariable law, a redundancy of paper had driven the precious metals out of the country, and the banks had not the specie wherewith to redeem their bills, which were fast being presented to obtain land-office money.
Quelle: http://www.adena.com/adena/usa/hs/hs01.htm

Jedenfalls bin ich jetzt mit dem Hintergrund von Greeley ein gutes Stück weiter. :)

Mir schwant schon, was da herauskommen wird. :(
7 Aug 2008
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Hier mal wieder die Tellerwäscherversion: :D

1811 - Born on February 3rd in Amherst, New Hampshire. The American statesman and man of letters.

1820 - Before Horace was ten years old, his father became bankrupt, his home was sold by the sheriff, and Zaccheus Greeley himself fled the state to escape arrest for debt.

1831 - He traveled on foot and by canal-boat, entering New York in August, with all his clothes in a bundle carried over his back with a stick, and with but $10 in his pocket.

1833 - Greeley formed a partnership with Francis V. Story, a fellow workman. Their combined capital amounted to about $150. Procuring their type on credit, they opened a small office, and undertook the printing of the Morning Post, the first cheap paper published in New York.

1834 - On the 2nd of March, Greeley and Winchester issued the first number of The New Yorker, a weekly literary and news paper, the firm then supposing itself to be worth about $3000. Of the first number they sold about 100 copies; of the second, nearly 200.
Quelle: http://www.s9.com/Biography/Greeley-Horace

Wenn das so geht, warum legen wir hier nicht mal schnell unsere Spargroschen zusammen und drucken eine Zeitung? :D

Irgenwie kam es mir immer so vor, als wäre gerade die Druckerei noch teurer und riskanter als die Herausgabe einer Zeitung selbst.

Warum aber, wenn unsere Genies es schon selbst vom schmierigen Drucker an der Presse zum Druckerei- und Zeitungsbesitzer geschafft haben, warum müssen sie sich dann noch plötzlich für Parteiarbeit einspannen lassen?

1836 - On the 5th of July, Greeley married Miss Mary Y. Chency, a Connecticut schoolteacher, whom he had met in a Grahamite (vegetarian) boarding-house in New York.

1838 - He had gained such standing as a writer that he was selected by Thurlow Weed, William Henry Seward, and other leaders of the Whig Party, for the editorship of a campaign paper entitled The Jeffersonian, published at Albany.

1841 - On the 3rd of April, Greeley announced that on the following Saturday (April 10th) he would begin the publication of a daily newspaper of the same general principles, to be called The Tribune.

- He was now entirely without money. From a personal friend, James Coggeshall, he borrowed $1000, on which capital and the editor's reputation The Tribune was founded.

Was sind denn das für Geschichten? :kopfkratz:

Nachdem er, genau er ausgewählt wird, um die Parteizeitung der Liberalen in den USA zu drucken, hat er plötzlich wieder kein Geld? :eek:

Mit geborgten $1000 gründet er die New York Tribune?

Wollen die mich verarschen?
7 Aug 2008
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Thurlow Weed, William Henry Seward

Damals scheint es ein "anti masonic movement" gegeben zu haben. :)

Na sowas. Freimaurer: spielen die überhaupt eine Rolle? :rolleyes2:

Thurlow Weed (November 15, 1797 – November 22, 1882) was a New York political boss. While he never held national office himself, he was the principal political advisor to the prominent New York politician William H. Seward and was instrumental in the presidential nominations of William Henry Harrison (1840), Henry Clay (1844), Zachary Taylor (1848), Winfield Scott (1852), John Charles Frémont (1856) and Abraham Lincoln (1860).

He served in the War of 1812, though he was quite young at the time; after the war he ran the printing presses for the Albany Register.

Weed became interested in politics while working with the newspaper, and was an early supporter of DeWitt Clinton. In 1824 he was a strong supporter of the presidential bid of John Quincy Adams, and was able to use his influence to ensure Adams' victory in New York. Weed himself also sought and won election that year to the New York State Assembly. In the assembly, he met and befriended William H. Seward.

Weed was a vocal member of the Anti-Masonic movement. In 1825, he bought the Rochester Telegraph, but was forced out in 1828 by Masonic interests.
Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thurlow_Weed

Die Freimaurer scheinen da ja ein riesiges politisches Thema gewesen zu sein.

In 1829, Weed was an Anti-Masonic member of the New York State Assembly, and also started production of the Albany Evening Journal, the first number was issued on March 22, 1830. The Evening Journal was first the main Anti-Masonic newspaper, and from 1834 on the main Whig paper and had in the 1840s the largest circulation of any political newspaper in the United States. After 1856, it was one of the Republican newspapers.

Auch hier der Wechsel zu den Republikanern.

Puuh, jetzt haben wir es schon mit der Freimaurerei zu tun, wenn auch mit deren Gegnern. :eek:



Puuh, jetzt haben wir es schon mit der Freimaurerei zu tun

Heute gibt es wieder die Hetze gegen die Freimauerer, die Illuminati etc. Ich schätz mal, es geht um Ablenkung. Denn wenn das Augenmerk erst mal so recht auf die Bank of England gerichtet wird ... dann könnte was ans Tageslicht kommen. Aber sprechen wir lieber über die Freimaurer, zu denen beispielsweise Mozart gehörte. Ein unerhört gefärhlicher Mann. :p
7 Aug 2008
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Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso

Habe jetzt die Korrespondentin der New York Tribune gefunden, leider nur auf italienisch.

Besides a “press of advertisements.” the editorial ran, this morning’s enlarged paper contained “articles from some foreign contributors that are especially worthy of attention.” Among these were “a letter from Madame Belgioioso, upon the daily and domestic life of the Turks, and another upon Germany by one of the clearest and most vigorous writers that country has produced—no matter what may be the judgment of the critical upon his public opinions in the sphere of political and social philosophy.”

Turning the pages to see who this most clear and vigorous German might be, readers glanced past such items as a “Grand Temperance Rally in the igth Ward“; a Philadelphia story headlined “Cruelty of a Landlord—Brutality of a Husband”: a Boston campaign telegram announcing a Whig demonstration “in favor of Daniel Webster for President.” Then they reached a long article entitled “Revolution and Counter-Revolution,” over the by-line, Karl Marx.
Quelle: http://www.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1957/3/1957_3_20.shtml

Da finden wir auch eine Unzahl anderer bekannter Namen. Die Familie Belgiojoso stammt aus altem Adel des Heiligen Römischen Reiches:

Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso (Milano, 28 giugno 1808 – Milano, 5 luglio 1871) è stata una patriota italiana che partecipò attivamente al Risorgimento italiano. Fu editrice di giornali rivoluzionari, scrittrice e giornalista.


Negli anni trenta frequentò il poeta tedesco Heinrich Heine, il compositore ungherese Franz Liszt, lo storico francese Francois Mignet, il poeta francese Alfred De Musset e tanti altri. Ebbe anche una fitta corrispondenza con l'"eroe di due mondi" La Fayette, vecchio generale protagonista della rivoluzione francese.


Nel 1834, ad esempio, donò 30 000 lire (su un budget complessivo di centomila) per finanziare il colpo di mano mazziniano nel Regno di Sardegna, in cui peraltro perse la vita Giovanni Battista Scapaccino, considerato la prima Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare del futuro esercito italiano. Per l'occasione, la nobildonna aveva persino ricamato con le proprie mani le bandiere degli insorti.


Passato un anno, si ritrovò in prima linea nel momento dell'insurrezione romana del 1849. Le assegnarono l'organizzazione degli ospedali e lei si distinse ancora prima della famosa Florence Nightingale.

Anche a Roma la rivolta è sedata e per di più proprio con l'aiuto dei francesi tanto amati da Cristina. Sfumata anche questa speranza di libertà e tradita dal suo stesso amico Napoleone III salpò su una nave diretta a Malta. Iniziò così un viaggio che la porterà in Grecia per finire in Asia Minore, nella sperduta e desolata valle di Ciaq Maq Oglù, vicino alla odierna Ankara, Turchia.
Quelle: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cristina_Trivulzio_Belgiojoso

Die französische Fassung ist ein Torso.


Ich finde es wirklich witzig, wenn man überhaupt von diesen Problemen im 19. JH hört, dann immer nur "wegen der Industrialisierung" von diesem Gesetz, wonach man für Boden mit Hard Money zahlen muss - davon habe ich erst in diesem Zusammenhang erfahren.

Das einzige, was mich an diesem "Go West" persönlich stört, ist dass ich direkt einen Ohrwurm aus alter Zeit bekomme. :D

7 Aug 2008
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Hier habe ich doch noch etwas zur Belgiojoso, natürlich Kontakt zu Mazzini:

When Christina was thirteen, she witness her step-father's arrest and lengthy trial by the Austrians, events w hi ch marked the beginning of her hatred of political tyranny. Shortly after the two-year trial which eventually saw the release of d'Aragona because of lack of evidence, Christina married Prince Emilio Belgiojoso, descendent of an ancient Milanese patrician family. Although their relationship soon cooled, the Prince and Princess briefly had a common ground in their support of the republican Mazzini, to whose society "Young Italy" they contributed generously.

Badgered and spied upon con stan tly by Metternich, who wanted her to remain in Milan, the Princess began a European tour, finally settling in Paris. Metternich sequestered her property, forcing her to depend on family and friends. Among her influential admirers were Thiers and LaFayette, both of whom sought to advance her cause of throwing off the Austrian yoke from Italy.

Although separated, both the Prince and Princess Belgiojoso supported Mazzini's abortive expedition in 1833 and both were indicted in Milan fo r high treason. Imperial clemency ultimately allowed restoration of Christina's revenues. Shortly thereafter, the temporarily reconciled couple became parents of a daughter, after whose birth the Prince fled France with his mistress and retired permanently to his estate near Lake Como.
Quelle: http://www.ohiou.edu/~Chastain/ac/belgio.htm

Ab 1845 hat sie sich aber von Mazzini abgewandt, der zum Netz des Palmerston gehört.

With the fall of Rome, a dismayed Princess Christina found her Milan revenues once again confiscated by the Austrians. Exiling herself from Europe, she embarked on August 3, 1849, for "the Orient," acc ompanied by he r daughter and their retinue. Most of her remaining years were spent travelling: to Asia Minor, where she bought a farm which failed and cost her much of her now-slender revenues and where an aggrieved servant stabbed her repeatedly in an assassination attempt; to France; and to Milan several times after her property had been restored by imperial decree.
In dieser schwierigen Zeit schrieb sie dann als Korrespondentin für die NYT.

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