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Kanonen und Nuklear-U-Boote

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8 Aug 2008
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Der Streit um die Arktis und ihre Rohstoffe scheint sich zuzuspitzen:

Zum 2-Tage Treffen in Island waren die Russen nicht eingeladen, noch nicht mal mit Beobachter-Status:
Less than three weeks after the Bush White House unveiled its new Arctic strategy, NATO held a hastily convened two-day meeting in Iceland attended by its secretary general and its top military commanders. The get-together, called a Seminar on Security Prospects in the High North, dutifully followed the American Arctic initiative and proclaimed that "the High North is going to require even more of the Alliance’s attention in the coming years."

Four of the five official Arctic claimants - the U.S., Canada, Denmark and Norway - were represented as founding members of the military bloc; Russia was not invited to send even an observer.
In der Zwischenzeit sind die ganz schön präsent in der Arktis.
In the intervening months the four NATO members with longstanding territorial claims in the region - Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United States - have made military moves into the Arctic Circle in fulfillment of the Alliance's pledge in January.
Genau vor der Nase der Russen.

Die Canadier sind dabei besonders provozierend. Wäre ja auch viel sympathischer, wenn Canada den gewünschten Kriegsgrund liefert. Ist ja auch viel sympathischer, wie wenn die USA das tun....
Ottawa has conducted its largest-ever military exercises, established new bases and exhibited increasing truculence and saber rattling toward Russia in the region.
Washington, although it along with Brussels is employing Canada to confront Russia at the top of the world, is not shy in asserting its own military presence and pursuing its own geostrategic objectives in the Arctic.

Jedenfalls ist das für Russland sehr gefährlich, so wie die NATO da aufgerüstet hat.
The Arctic Ocean, in particular that part of it under the ice cap, is Russia's last retaliatory refuge, that spot on the earth where any element of its strategic forces is comparatively safe from a Western first strike and least targetable by interceptor missiles after such an attack.
Jetzt ist da nichts mehr sicher.

Dazu noch Ermahnungen, Beschimpfungen und zweideutige Drohungen:
If loose lips could sink ships, Harper, Cannon and McKay would have sent the entire Russian navy to the bottom of the Arctic and the North Atlantic. All three have delivered a steady stream of exhortations, bluster and downright threats to Russia throughout the year.
Dieses undiplomatische Verhalten mit ständigem Säbelrasseln würden die sich nicht trauen, wenn die USA nicht hinter ihnen stehen würde.

Dabei rechnen die mit einem Auftauen der Arktis erst in 2030. Denen hat auch noch keiner gesagt, dass das ausfällt mit der globalen Erwärmung. Trotzdem wird weiter provoziert:
Canada Blocks Three Documents for Russia-NATO Council Meeting

According to the existing information, the two parties were drafting three documents, including that on the intention of Russia and NATO to conduct the first-ever joint survey of security threats and a protocol on amendments to the work of the Russia-NATO Council.
Und die NATO versucht die Wichtigkeit dieses Treffens herunterzuspielen:
BRUSSELS. Dec 1 (Interfax) - The opponents of development of Russia-NATO relations have made an attempt to underestimate the importance of the ministerial meeting within the framework of the NATO- Russia Council, which is scheduled for December 4, Russian envoy at NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, told Interfax on Tuesday.

"We need to state a sad fact: there are still influential forces in NATO, which demonstrate a lack of any political will to develop relations with Russia," Rogozin said.
Ja, warum gute Beziehungen entwickeln wenn man doch auf einen Krieg aus ist?

Den Russen kann man wirklich nicht nachsagen, sie wären nicht um Frieden und gute Beziehungen bemüht. Sind wohl die einzigen, die noch einen klaren Kopf haben. Sie wollen sogar ein neues Sicherheitsabkommen:
MOSCOW: Russia on Sunday sent a draft treaty on European security to leaders of others countries and international organizations in the Euro-Atlantic space.

President Dmitry Medvedev said the draft, which should stretch "from Vancouver to Vladivostock," will "finally do away with the legacy of the Cold War."

Signing of the new pact would be beneficial to the security of Russia and Europe at large, but there is a long way to go before the United States and its European allies agree to the treaty since the parties' security interests differ dramatically, analysts here say.
Das versuchen die Russen schon seit Juni 2008. Die KSZE tagt gerade im Moment in Griechenland und will den Russen am 01.01.2010 eine Antwort darauf geben. Und auch die USA scheinen sich unter Obama wieder freundlicher zu verhalten. Aber die haben ja auch noch die Canadier...

Und die Canadier schon mal ihren eigenen Folterskandal:
Canadian Government Rocked by Accusations of Abuse, Torture of Afghan Prisoners
Colvin testified on November 18 before the Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on National Defense that he had sent more than 15 reports to his political superiors and the military high command warning that Canadian forces were complicit in the abuse and torture of Afghans it had detained. He said the practice of handing detainees over to Afghan authorities and then turning a blind eye to their treatment not only violated international law, but would also do incalculable damage to Canada’s role in the Afghan war and its reputation among the Afghan people.
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